Xmas MarkLogic Events

Using LinkedIn’s beand new Events feature I am bringing together some great data minds and enthusiastic data professionals for one last time in 2019.

It’s easy to sign up using your existing LinkedIn profile so no extra forms and easy to share one you have with you network.

I’m organizing Xmas Edition MeetUp: Full Stack JavaScript Apps & Dealing with Legacy Data and would love to see you there! Check out the details here https://www.linkedin.com/events/xmaseditionmeetup-fullstackjavascriptapps-dealingw

Connecting people and ideas

I have just passed a milestone in my LinkedIn journey. I have ticked over 4,000 connections and this has made me reflect on how I got here, why it is important to me and why maybe you should hit that accept button.

In our lifetime it is said that we will meet 80,000 people. Now, these people might be friends, family, acquaintances or just one-off meetings. These all help to make me and you, the people we are today. But this is based on our “real world” interactions. Continue reading “Connecting people and ideas”

Challenge me to unlock your data

I read an article today written by Saif Islam, in fact, here you go – read this first then come back to me.

Read it? Promise? Good.

What I took from this article was this. If you don’t unlock your data and give it all the connections you can how do you expect to unlock all of its potentials? Continue reading “Challenge me to unlock your data”

BigData = Big Savings, but does your infrastructure support your analytics tool?

A follow-on to my last article – When data is more than the sum of its parts

I read an article recently which highlighted the success the Healthcare.gov initiative has had in savings, a whopping $42 billion in US taxpayers money.  For every dollar spent on Medicare and Medicaid ‘integrity effort’, the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) says that it saved $12.40.  Big savings from BigData. Continue reading “BigData = Big Savings, but does your infrastructure support your analytics tool?”

When data is more than the sum of its parts

Sometimes you wonder if your work really makes a difference.  Endless meetings with no goals.  Phone calls to colleagues with no outcome.  Some sit behind a desk working with endless lines of code.  Tasks that many do on a daily basis not knowing the reach or effects they have on the wider community. Continue reading “When data is more than the sum of its parts”