Xmas MarkLogic Events

Using LinkedIn’s beand new Events feature I am bringing together some great data minds and enthusiastic data professionals for one last time in 2019.

It’s easy to sign up using your existing LinkedIn profile so no extra forms and easy to share one you have with you network.

I’m organizing Xmas Edition MeetUp: Full Stack JavaScript Apps & Dealing with Legacy Data and would love to see you there! Check out the details here https://www.linkedin.com/events/xmaseditionmeetup-fullstackjavascriptapps-dealingw

Watch “Using Drones to Plant 20,000,000 Trees” on YouTube

Mark Rober, NASA engineer who helped in the development of the Mars Rover, Curiousity, and the rest of the #teamtree on YouTube aims to raise $2,000,000; and along with the Arbor Day plan to plant 2,000,000 tree.

Learn more here – https://teamtrees.org/

Technology alone won’t “solve” data protection

Privacy Online

If you ever wonder why good data practices, data privacy and data protection is important, see below.

People will argue that technology can and does solve this. They would be wrong. Technology augments culture. It is the culture that instils a respect for other peoples’ data. It is a culture that drives this respect from the top.

The technology that I and my colleagues introduce and help develop for enterprise organisations can and does help with compliance of all sorts of regulations, but if the individuals charged with this see data privacy as an obstacle or a threat to their business then they will struggle with their data protection/privacy compliance.

Good data practices come from respect and trust. The respect a company shows for other peoples data. The trust that is born and earnt out of this respect.

This is something that will become more and more apparent as this story unfolds.  I wonder how much this will cost both of these organisations and what they will do, if they can, to restore the trust that such a public event has cost them?

What do you think?  Let me know in the comments 👇

#dataprivacy #dataprotection #cambridgeanalytica #TuesdayThoughts

Warrant sought for Cambridge Analytica

Featured image supplied by www.bluecoat.com/

The UK’s Data Protection Authority, the ICO Announce Their First Ever Technology Strategy

ICO Technology Strategy

The ICO has announced their first ever technology strategy covering what they see as their roadmap for 2018 to 2021.

The report supports their Information Rights Strategic Plan 2017- 2021 and their plans to

‘Stay relevant, provide excellent public service and keep abreast of evolving technology’ .

In this technology strategy report, they have identified three priority areas that they will focus on:

  • Priority area #1: Cybersecurity
  • Priority area #2: Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning
  • Priority area #3: Web and cross-device tracking

It will be interesting to see how well this strategy keeps pace with the private sector; especially considering the budgets that private organisations are allocating to these trends.

As always let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Intelligent Enterprise Unleashed

Crystal Castles by Sean Creamer

An interesting read on technology trends in enterprise businesses.

Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality and the Internet of Things are just some of the technologies that Accenture’s Paul Daugherty, Marc Carrel-Billiard and Michael Blitz believe are going to dominate 2018’s enterprise technology innovation.

Well worth a read and covers some interesting trends, including the personalisation of business offerings to customers, employees, governments and others using these cutting-edge technologies.

I would love to know your thoughts so why not reach out and let me know in the comments below.

Darktrace’s bright future: Poppy Gustaffson, the CEO behind the cyber security company tipped to be the UK’s next tech unicorn | City A.M.

In the heart of London, in the middle of the Strand, the office of Darktrace sits almost like a fortress; a sea of calm in the chaos and uncertainty

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.cityam.com

Great news for the UK’s #tech & #cybersecurity industry #TechNews via @CityAM

How To Solve The Biggest Problem With GDPR (In Your Business)

Data Security

stop-1013732_1280Stop Everyone Trying To Be GDPR Compliant!

I know right.  It is keeping a lot of people awake at night.

Everyone out there would tell you that GDPR is something you cannot afford not to comply with.  The fines are massive.  The ICO (or your own data authority, if you are outside of the UK) will take a dim view, to say the least, if you are found to be non-compliant.  Data breaches, hacks, cyber-attacks you name it your public and customers’ perception of you would be damaged and the negative PR could at worst topple your organisation.  All doom and gloom.

And yet my advice for you is not to comply with this regulation.

Continue reading “How To Solve The Biggest Problem With GDPR (In Your Business)”

How Can We Trust AI To Make Life-And-Death Decisions When It Keeps Doing Stupid Things?

The difference between successful AIs and ridiculous ones is that successful ones are built for the task at hand and trained on well-defined, well-curated data sets.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.forbes.com

Reasons Why You Should Not Fear An AI Apocalypse

Will robots or AI ultimately overpower us? Before we look at that, as a starting point, it may be worth having a look at Issac Asimov’s take on that very question.

Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”

Anyone who has studied AI or robotics know of these laws.  They state that

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Now those that have seen or read, I, Robot know that these laws may not always protect us as intended.  The robots in the novel and the film through carrying these laws law to there fullest and logical intent look to subjugate mankind, to remove freedoms and free will, in order to protect us against well ourselves.

One reason this happens is that these laws do not put to the human being at the centre of them.  In fact, only in the third law does it mentions protection and that protection is afforded to the robot(s) in question.

So Asimov added another law to these, a zero law which states;

  1. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

Continue reading “Reasons Why You Should Not Fear An AI Apocalypse”

Connecting people and ideas

I have just passed a milestone in my LinkedIn journey. I have ticked over 4,000 connections and this has made me reflect on how I got here, why it is important to me and why maybe you should hit that accept button.

In our lifetime it is said that we will meet 80,000 people. Now, these people might be friends, family, acquaintances or just one-off meetings. These all help to make me and you, the people we are today. But this is based on our “real world” interactions. Continue reading “Connecting people and ideas”